Comments on: Genetic Basics "Great ideas emerges from useless fragments of thoughts.” Thu, 03 Mar 2016 03:50:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy Fri, 30 Jan 2015 22:26:09 +0000 Is that “the” Kris Diaz? I love your podcast show!

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By: E.H. Alberts Thu, 29 Jan 2015 20:05:50 +0000 I have found this video on genetics and breed ID very informative. It’s lengthy but well worth the time.

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By: zombiesanddogs Thu, 29 Jan 2015 17:30:29 +0000 That’s why you are awesome.

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By: krisdiaz9 Thu, 29 Jan 2015 17:29:45 +0000 Absolutely. Especially ridiculous considering the generic appearance that is so common. Behavior related genes may never be understood. The way they interact and produce behaviors is so much harder to understand because of the sheer number of them and the exponential interactions they cause.

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By: zombiesanddogs Thu, 29 Jan 2015 16:00:10 +0000 He is partially! But I find in it amusing that they feel how it looks defines how they act.

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By: krisdiaz9 Thu, 29 Jan 2015 15:58:01 +0000 The funny thing is that he is sort of right. “Pit genes” aka the genes that make a dog LOOK like what the public thinks a pit bull looks like ARE dominant. There are 5 genes that control head shape. A similarly small number for hair expressions etc. The genetic makeup of a dogs appearance is the extreme minority of genes in a dog and are very limited. The genes associated with a “pit bull” appearance are dominant. This is why so many dogs of mixes have short hair and blocky heads. A boxer mix, Great Dane mix etc with a very different looking dog will most often yield that “pit bull look” though there is nothing remotely pit bull about it.

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