How to Avoid “Victim Blaming”- According to BSL Advocates

Victim Blaming. According to BSL Advocates in the Dog hating, human hating community, victim blaming is a growing epidemic- like crack and is just as damaging. The question is- how do you know if you are victim blaming? Well, thanks to the endless amount of complaints by BSL advocates, we are here to help you waddle through the confusing and murky waters of understanding the BSL Advocates version of victim blaming.

Now, according to the real world-  the definition of Victim Blaming is pretty self explanatory.

” A social and psychological wherein the fault in a crime (rape, robbery, assault) is attributed to the victim.”

When it comes to our beloved BSL Advocates, it is a bit different and hopefully we can help you figure out how what BSL advocates mean when they cry victim blaming.

1. You are Victim Blaming if you Disagree with ANYTHING they Say.

mob.PNGDisagreeing is a big no-no in the BSL community and is usually met with name calling, threats, memes, social media stalking and being kicked out of all the uber super secret BSL I hate pit bulls and pit bull owner groups.  It doesn’t matter if what they told you makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. They tell you the sky is green, you better agree that it’s the best version of green you’ve ever seen. If they tell you that a French Bordeaux is a pit bull, by all that is holy, you better agree,  because if you disagree with them you are victim blaming.

2. You are absolutely Victim Blaming if you point out THEIR Contradictions and Hypocrisy.


This is huge and incredibly difficult because BSL contradict themselves all the time. Here is a great example- “When a pit bull attacks it’s never the owners fault- but I hope you can sue the crap out of them.” or “Those nutters have all these fake profiles…….hold on why I log into my other fake profile to admin my hate page.” and of course “Those pit nutters are baby haters but we love children so much that we take pictures of children and make nasty meme’s and plaster them all over our hate pages…”

3. You are Victim Blaming if You Dare to Form Your Own Opinion and Think for Yourself.


Just.. don’t.  Don’t read an article and attempt to form your own thought on it. Don’t consider any outside sources than the 3 that they tell you to read (Animal 24-7, & Daxton’s Friends). Don’t question the mobs behavior, don’t refuse to change your mind, don’t let common sense over-ride bullshit and made up statistics, just nod your head and go with the mindless shuffle. The minute that don’t toe the line, you will be considered victim blaming.

Basically, simplified- Drink the Kool-Aid and question nothing and you will never be called a dreaded victim blamer.




The Agenda

The main agenda of BSL advocates is to successfully find ways to kill pit bulls and BSL advocate and member of The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed Katrina Chilton shows us exactly how it is done.


Katrina went to Winnebago County Animal Shelter and adopted, while she claims in the TPBPMR that she was “duped” the pictures tell a different story, not to mention, if you research the adoptable dogs from  Winnebago County Animal Shelter, they seems to be very open about the breed of dogs that are sitting in their shelter…


Chilton claims that she keeps her “red nosed pit bull” in a cage almost 24/7. Aggression issues? Not really according to her, just “some of the time.” Although, who wouldn’t have behavioral issues being locked in a cage all day long? She openly admits that she doesn’t even let him out of the cage until her boyfriend gets home, which is from 10 am until 11 pm.  13 hours locked in a cage.   Can you imagine being locked in a cage for 13 hours?


As usual, BSL advocates such as Jeff Borchardt, Stacy Westover and Harve Morgan are ignoring the apparent animal abuse and are more than happy to assists in finding “solutions” for the poor dog.


What are their suggestions?

  1. Have a vet euthanize a dog by lying about it’s environment, temperament and behavioral issues.
  2. Take it to another humane society that WILL euthanize it based off the lies of Chilton.
To Gain Popularity?


Katrina  Chilton is no stranger to the beliefs of the TPBPMR, considering she has been a member for over a year now. Did she adopt this dog with the idea of eventually euthanizing it for the BSL movement?

emergency11It seems as if the dog was not a big issue in Novemeber,  considering she felt it wasn’t any threat to her child as she allowed the dog to sit on her child restrained in a car seat while the car was moving… even laughing about it and posting it on social media.


Let’s not forget to show the cute video of the puppy playing…


Either way, Winnebago Shelter has been notified of the intent to destroy a dog that has been a victim of self admitted neglect and they can sort it out. Either, she’s full of shit and lying to gain brownie points in a obvious disgusting and foul movement or she really is keeping a dog caged for 13 hours a day and causing irreversible damage to a helpless animal.



A Little Help Understanding Your Un- Friendly BSL Advocate


It’s no secret that BSL advocates are such twisted complicated creatures of hate, murder, mayhem and hypocrisy. Yet, they live among us and as a society we need help understanding just what that really means.


It’s Not Me, It’s Totally You.


Are you educated? College degrees? Have at least a semi functional working brain? Access to the internet? None of that matters according to BSL advocates.  If you are not following or Daxton’s Friends, you are brain washed and being duped by the GREAT BIG MEAN ‘OLE RICH PIT BULL LOBBY. Somehow, the Pit Bull Lobby has conspired with the FDA to slip mind controlling drugs in all of the food you buy to make you incapable of making decisions such as finding a family pet.

Observing, not Stalking.


Look, if you decide to post ANYTHING on social media that disagrees with an BSL advocate, you have given them unwritten and unknown permission to stalk investigate you. Even if you haven’t said anything but just happen to have caught their eye unknowingly, you still give them permission to message you and send you long emails telling you why you should kill your dog. Just remember, you are not allowed to respond, disagree, report or do anything that slightly resembles a response, because that would be harassing and considered stalking.

It all Adds up Eventually, Right?


They are 887% positive that it makes sense and for some reason, they just don’t understand why the majority can’t do the math.  It has to be all the mind altering drugs that the Pit Bull Lobby is contaminating the water supply with?


The Family that Hates, Kills and Stalks Together Stays Together


Who needs biological family? Not BSL Advocates that’s who! Many times, family members of BSL advocates find themselves on the attacking educating end of the BSL advocacy and find themselves disagreeing with the unhealthy obsession of their BSL supporting family member and slowly distancing themselves from that person.



Can Anything Be Done?

Of course! While you might never understand their craziness or their sheer stupidity, you can continue living your life just the way you want to!  Enjoy your family, play with your dog breed of choice, be a responsible dog owner and never be afraid to speak up. Be everything a BSL advocate can never be…. An awesome person.

Barbara Kay: The Bitter Canadian

When Barbara Kay isn’t bashing rape victims and calling for the prosecution and humiliation of rape victims, she is drowning in her pool of pit bull hate. What has gotten her knickers in a bunch now? The fact that people are fighting for dogs rescued from a dog fighting operation in Tilbury Ontario to not be euthanized and people like Don Cherry, a famous Canadian hockey icon are stepping up and speaking out in support of saving these dogs.


It’s no secret that the Vick dogs are 47 fuzzy doses of reality that shatters the very foundation of the image of fighting dogs that BSL advocates like Kay and her minions desperately cling onto. Kay writes, “Pit bull activists can rant until the cows come home about them getting a bad rap, but genetics are what they are. And no amount of “rehabilitation” can rewire a dog’s brain. In 2015, 9 per cent of canine-related human deaths were by dogs rehomed by county operated shelters or rescues, most of them by pit bull type dogs. “, yet, the Vicktory dogs have proven Kay wrong, along with multitude of  other dogs rescued from dog fighting operations. This is exactly why Kay and fellow BSL advocates want these dogs automatically euthanized because they know that these 21 dogs will prove them wrong again.

The reality is- not one single dog rescued from a fighting operation has killed or injured one single person and they can’t handle that nice dose of reality. BSL advocates have tried EVERYTHING to distort the truth about these dogs, even falsifying and out right lying about their “involvement” with the Victory Dogs.  These 21 dogs, right along with the Vicktory dogs will always be in the public eye, which is fine because that means the truth will always be out there, proving people like Barbara Kay and her dwindling group of BSL advocates wrong.

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These dogs, this mash up of breeds that make these controversial dogs are not like every other dog out there. These dogs, have the ability to over come hell. These dogs, thanks to their nature have the ability to rise above and be the direct opposite of what POS like Vicks bred them to be. These 21 dogs, the Vicktory dogs and the majority of these dogs sitting comfortably on couches, snoozing in back yards, walking with families, running with playmates and living life happily show the amazing potential and spirit to not just thrive but to better than just a label and this is exactly why people like Barbara Kay and the dwindling group of BSL advocates want them extinct.

Feel free to read Barbara Kay’s latest temper tantrum right here.

Non-Profit Founder & Friends Call for Support in Legalizing Dog Fighting.

Yesterday, I wrote a post showing BSL advocates supporting the idea of legalizing dog fighting and today, BSL advocates have upped their support in legalizing dog fighting by telling their fellow BSL advocates to call in for SUPPORT of legalizing this horrible crime.


The Pit Bull Problem, a group administrated and created by Jeff Borchardt, the founder of the non-profit group Daxton’s Friends and friends continue to solidify their public stance of supporting “putting the pit’s back into the pits”.



Is it possible that the founder of Daxton’s Friends are funneling the small amount of donations into supporting legalizing dog fighting? It’s possible, especially considering how secretive Borchardt is about were his alleged donations are being allocated.  What’s even more interesting, one of Borchardt’s close friend and fellow admin of the group Pit Bull problem is the lawyer J Thomas Beasley. Beasley, residing in New Orleans, a city dealing with it’s own dog fighting problems, has currently accepted a postion with Jefferson Parish Indigent Defender Program and will no doubt be defending those arrested for dog fighting and acts of animal cruelty.  BSL advocates defending animal abusers and dog fighters? It’s no secret just how involved they are at promoting animal abuse towards certain breeds of dogs and now they are supporting legalizing it.

Dog Fighting & BSL Advocates Go Hand in Hand…

Anyone with a soul and conscience understands that dog fighting is absolutely revolting, repulsive, disgusting, cruel, loathsome, contemptible, abominable and understandably a felony. Pretty much, it’s understand that if you support dog fighting and engage in dog fighting you are pretty much a disgusting criminal POS that should be rotting in jail. So, it’s absolutely disgusting, yet predictable to see BSL advocates THRILLED with an article from a game dog forum that was posted about the idea of dog fighting becoming legal in Kentucky.


Although, after a bit of research (Which seems to be difficult for BSL advocates), it shows just how BSL Advocate Julie Wall has failed to comprehend the legislative piece. Since BSL Advocates routinely stalk this blog, I’ll be nice and break it down for them:

A legislative panel approved a measure today that would amend Kentucky’ dog-fighting law to also make it illegal to promote the practice. Senate Bill 14, as amended in the state Senate Agriculture Committee, would make the owning, possessing, breeding, training, selling or transferring of dogs intended for use in dog fighting a felony punishable by one year to five years in prison.

While to the normal and mentally healthy person with a SOUL, making dog fighting a Class D Felony is great, leave it to BSL advocates to actually advocate FOR dog fighting.


The idea of dog fighting legalized makes the infamous and disgusting Lorde Faust INCREDIBLY joyous as she types in excitement,”Yay! Put the pits back in the pits!” Then there is good ‘ole Gail, she’s totally not opposed to dog fighting, because you know… those pit bulls just love to fight to the death according to her. The only thing she is unsure of is… you know, those pesky dog fights can be a bit…. “swarmy”, that those dog fights can attract those darn criminals…drug dealing and stuff. Not worried about the abuse and torture of the animals involved, but more about the other criminal stuff.

What is interesting is to see Mia Johnson, the co founder of National Pit bull Victim Awareness actually like the possible idea of dog fighting legal. Once again confirming that BSL advocates are perfectly fine with and support criminal and horrific treatment of pit bull and bully breed type dogs. A self proclaimed “public safety servant” supporting dog fighting? I’m not even sure how that makes any sense… you be the judge.