Are you proud?

Dear Dogsbite.Org and TPBPMR,

Are you happy? Are YOU proud of supporting some of THE most disgusting and vile people in your hate groups that get their rocks out enjoying violence?

Does this make YOU proud?

Is this the sort of message YOU support?

Are YOU just fine with this sort of support?

Are these comments and messages what YOUR core beliefs are?

Are these the sort of people and comments that represent YOU and YOUR message?


YOU always say that YOUR misunderstood. That YOUR message isn’t about HATE but it’s about public safety. That YOU don’t believe in animal abuse. Somehow I just don’t think YOUR members are getting your memo. You might want to correct them- or not. Somehow I have this feeling that YOU support and even enjoy their disgusting behavior. Which is fine- because people are now noticing the dark underlining acceptance of violence and abuse based on breed.

Is that the message YOU truly want to be broadcasted?

6 thoughts on “Are you proud?

  1. That event was shared on the Confessions page. We are pretty sure who runs that…part of the main group. It is in posts by others and has been there awhile. He must approve.


  2. That guy who says he will beat a puppy with a hammer and kill it needs to be reported to the police! Bogart, these are your people, you sick fuck.


  3. Yes, and there are members of DBO, and PBPMR also. Especially that Ryan Stapp! Yep, Bogart, Irene, ect, you ARE the company that you KEEP!


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